Manage emails not addressed to you in Sky Yahoo Mail

If there are emails in your inbox that are not addressed to you, there are a few things you can do. Once you identify the senders, deal with them depending on who they are.

Consider whether you are the intended recipient

  Note - Sky Yahoo Mail addresses are unique - emails in your inbox are never for someone else with the same address. Sky Yahoo IDs are checked against our worldwide database and denied if they already exist.

You may be an intended "BCC" (blind carbon copy) recipient if your address isn't in the "To" or "CC" fields. Senders use the BCC field to hide addresses from non-BCC recipients, often for privacy.

Identify the sender before taking action, determine who's sending you these emails. This may not be as simple as checking the "From" field. Check the full header of the email message because spammers and malware may try to hide or fake their identity.

Take action

  • Notify senders - Advise known senders about their mistaken or excessive emails.
  • Filter emails - Automatically send emails from an address or domain to a separate folder.
  • Mark their emails as spam - Notify Yahoo that an address is a spammer and automatically send all its incoming emails to the Spam folder.