Options available when a Yahoo Account owner passes away

We know that dealing with the loss of a relative is very difficult. To protect the privacy of your loved one, it is our policy to honor the initial agreement that they made with us, even in the event of their passing. At the time of registration, all account holders agree to our Terms of Service. Pursuant to the Terms, neither the Yahoo account nor any of the content therein are transferable, even when the account owner is deceased save in some limited circumstances where the deceased user is German and/or is entitled to rights under German law.

As a result, Yahoo cannot provide passwords or access to deceased users' accounts other than as provided under our terms of service or as may arise by operation of law. Yahoo does have a process in place to request that your loved one's account be closed, billing and premium services suspended, and any contents deleted for privacy.

Requesting to close the account

In order to process this kind of request, we require specific documentation:

  • A letter containing your request and stating the Yahoo ID of the deceased
  • A copy of a document appointing the requesting party as the personal representative or executor of the estate of the deceased;
  • A copy of the death certificate of the Yahoo account holder
  • A copy of the ID of the requesting party

Contact Customer Care for assistance with the account closure.

Requesting content disclosure of the account

If you wish to obtain a content disclosure of the account of the deceased user, please provide us the following documentation:

  • An Irish Court Order requesting the content disclosure. The Irish Court Order must be addressed to Yahoo EMEA Limited and contain the Yahoo ID of the deceased user.
  • A national ID of the claimant.

Again, we extend our condolences to you and your family.

 Need to close a Sky account? Contact the partner company for help.