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Report a closed account that sends spam

  Note - If you have a closed account that seems to be sending spam, email spoofing might be the cause.

What is email spoofing?

Spoofed email appears to be sent from your email address, but it's really being sent from another email account. Email providers can't prevent their names from being spoofed, but if people are getting emails from your closed email address, find out how to report it.

Report a spoofed email

  1. Ask the person who received the email to view the full header of the email.
  2. Identify the originating IP address from the last "Received" line.
  3. Note the IP address - it belongs to the sender's internet service provider (ISP).
  4. Run an IP lookup using a site like and note the ISP name.
  5. Contact the sender's ISP to report the email.