Follow, unfollow, and share curated watchlists in the Yahoo Finance app for Android
The Yahoo Finance app Explore tab offers watchlists based on an industry, a region, a key metric, or other criteria. Scroll down a watchlist page to see a description of the list, symbols in the list, performance metrics, news, and conversations. Tap View more about this list to learn about how the list was created.
Follow a watchlist
- From the Explore tab, search for a watchlist.
- Tap the watchlist you want to follow.
- Tap the Follow icon .
Unfollow a watchlist
- From the Explore tab, find the watchlist you want to unfollow.
- Tap the watchlist you want to unfollow.
- Tap the Following icon .
Share a watchlist
- From the Explore tab, tap any watchlist.
- Tap the Share icon .
- Select the app you'd like to use to share the watchlist.
- Follow the app's prompts.