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Set, edit, or import lineups in Daily Fantasy

You have to play the best to be the best. Set a lineup using a £200 budget. Edit your lineup if a player gets cut from a game or you change your mind. You can even import a lineup to save time when entering other contests.

Set lineup

When you create or join a contest, you'll be prompted to set your lineup.

  1. Click any position.
  2. Click to add players until your lineup is full.
  3. Click Submit lineup.

Edit lineup

Players can only be edited if their real life game hasn’t started.

  1. Go to Daily Fantasy.
  2. Click My Contests | Live or Upcoming.
  3. Click Edit Lineup.
  4. Optionally, click Clear entire lineup to start over.
  5. Click to remove a player.
  6. Click to add a player.
  7. Click Save Changes.

Import lineup

  1. Go to Daily Fantasy.
  2. Click My Contests | Live or Upcoming.
  3. Click Edit Lineup.
  4. Click the Import Lineup icon .
  5. Click Select Lineup for the lineup you want to import.
  6. Click Submit Lineup.

Replace player in all lineups

Players can only be replaced if their real life game hasn’t started.

  1. Go to Daily Fantasy.
  2. Click My Contests | Upcoming.
  3. Click Replace player in all lineups.
  4. Select player to replace from ‘My Players’.
  5. Choose a ‘Replacement Player’ that’s within your budget.
  6. Click Replace player to complete the swap across all lineups.